alain robert contact conference

Par Mutari — Travail personnel, Domaine public,

"L'homme se crée ses propres limites, mais nous avons tous en nous la force de les dépasser pour atteindre nos objectifs. Il suffit de savoir trouver cette force et de la développer.

Aujourd'hui, voilà le message que je transmets à travers mes escalades en solo et lors de mes conférences internationales.

"Pratiquer un sport de haut niveau demande des sacrifices. J’ai souffert.
Je me suis remis en question. J’ai travaillé énormément pour y arriver.
Il ne faut jamais renoncer à ses rêves".

ALAIN ROBERT alias The French Spider-Man (né le 7 août 1962 à Digoin en Saône-et-Loire, a vécu son enfance à Valence dans la Drôme) est un grimpeur français de haut niveau, qui s'est spécialisé depuis 1994 dans l'escalade urbaine en solo intégral, c’est-à-dire l'ascension de gratte-ciel à mains nues et sans matériel d'assurance. Père de 3 enfants, il est sujet à des crises d’épilepsie depuis une chute sur la tête de 15 mètres en 1982, en raison d’un nœud mal fait

En 1982, ALAIN ROBERT est victime de deux accidents. Le plus grave, une chute de quinze mètres la tête la première, lors d'une descente en rappel, à cause d'un noeud mal réalisé, lui vaut cinq jours de coma et des fractures multiples  au crâne, nez, poignets, coude, bassin et talons. Le pronostic des médecins est alors peu optimiste : « ce garçon ne pourra plus jamais grimper ».

Un an plus tard ALAIN ROBERT grimpe pourtant à nouveau, et atteint même le plus haut niveau dans sa discipline.

Il garde depuis des séquelles de cet accident, et notamment un vertige persistant dû à un problème d’oreille interne. La sécurité sociale le considère comme invalide à 66%.

ALAIN ROBERT  propose des conférences Exaltantes et passionnantes !





ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER is the world's leading free climber and is known all over the world as the "Urban Climber" for having ascended over 70 skyscrapers without ropes.

ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER used to train on the cliffs around Valence, his home town (south of France). His motivation was calculated risk and mastering his fear. So Alain Robert decided to climb solo. This meant: climbing with his bare hands; no ropes for his protection. You fall, you die. Alain has climbed the world's most extreme cliff faces solo.

ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER has had two serious accidents, a fall where his rope cane undone whilst rappelling. He spent 5 days in a coma and suffered multiple fractures: his cranium, nose, wrists, elbows, pelvis and heels. The prognosis was that he would never climb again and resulted in Alain developing vertigo, (a disease affecting the inner ear).

A year later, ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER went back to cliff climbing and was soon stronger than ever. Juan Antonio Samaranche gave him the IOC (International Olympic Committee) award for his performance. He also achieved a world record for the most extreme solo performance, in the gorge of the Verdon (south of France).

Sector, (a sponsor specialising in extreme sports, adventure), offered to make a documentary of his climbing and suggested that he climb skyscrapers. So in 1994, Alain climbed his first skyscraper in Chicago and "The Urban Climber" was born.

ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER enjoyed climbing what seemed the impossible and so went around the world searching for the skyscraper of his dreams. In doing so he has been sent to jail many times from climbing without authorisation. He is known for his bold ascents, but the public is unaware that he often climbs to collect money for charity.

In 1997, he climbed without authorisation the world’s tallest skyscraper in Kuala Lumpur. The impact on the media was so great that Sabah Foundation asked him to climb its building in Borneo. With government authorisation, the event grew enormously, drawing a crowd of 15,000 people and raising over US$150,000.

ALAIN ROBERT SPEAKER has climbed over 70 skyscrapers and mythical monuments around the world. His greatest success so far being the ascent of the National Bank of Abu Dhabi with over 100,000 spectators!

To him, a city is like a range of mountains, with one little difference: there will always be new skyscrapers under construction. 

Goal Setting
Managing Stress

