Le célèbre conférencier et aventurier BERTRAND PICCARD

Copyright Photo :   COPSummit                                                                                    -  @ Solar Impulse, Jean Revillard, Rezo                                                                  -    ©Philipp Böhlen

©Solar Impulse/ Jean Revillard/ Rezo.ch - Cairo, Egypt, July 13th 2016. Solar Impulse 2 flying over the Pyramids.   -   ©Solar Impulse/ Jean Revillard/ Rezo.ch - Seville, Spain, July 11th 2016. Solar Impulse is flying over the Torresol Energyís Gemasolar Thermosolar Plant.   -  ©Solar Impulse/ Stefatou/ Rezo.ch - Abu Dhabi, UAE, March 1st, 2015. Solar Impulse 2 second test flight over Abu Dhabi.

bertrand piccard contact conference

Vision, innovation et créativité – Esprit pionnier et motivation–Gestion du stress, de l'inconnu et des situations de crise – Travail d'équipe et psychologie de la communication – Technologies au service de l'environnement – Politique énergétique & environnement-climat : autant de thèmes qui s'adressent autant aux entreprises, multinationales ou privées qu'aux associations professionnelles et au grand public Communicateur dans l'âme, BERTRAND PICCARD sait traduire l'intensité de ses expériences et inspirer ses auditeurs pour transmettre les enseignements dont ils peuvent tirer profit.

« L'esprit de pionnier pour inventer le futur » : Comment accomplir ce que tout le monde croit impossible? L'interrogation est porteuse d'ouverture pour le cœur et l'esprit, alors que la certitude est une fin en soi. De la vision à la réalisation, l'innovation est un état d'esprit en dehors des paradigmes établis.
Di COP PARIS - https://www.flickr.com/photos/cop21/23516636956/, CC0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50200605


« Changer d'altitude dans les Vents de la Vie » ou « Pilotez vos affaires comme un ballon » : Le vol en ballon devient un modèle de management et même de développement personnel. Dans cette métaphore de la vie, le ballon est prisonnier des courants qui le propulsent, comme l'homme est captif de ses certitudes, de ses problèmes ou de son destin. De la même façon que le ballon peut changer d'altitude pour trouver des courants qui le feront changer de direction, l'être humain peut s'élever professionnellement, psychologiquement, philosophiquement ou même spirituellement pour redevenir responsable de la direction de son existence. Pour cela, il doit, comme dans un ballon, apprendre à lâcher le lest de ses certitudes, habitudes, points d'exclamation et autres paradigmes.

A travers le programme Solar Impulse, les technologies propres, le développement durable et la politique énergétique sont également des sujets qu'il maitrise et traite volontiers.

Son expérience de médecin psychiatre dans l'hypnose et l'autohypnose apporte un éclairage original à des évènements orientés médicalement.
Que ce soit en français, anglais ou allemand, Bertrand se sent à l'aise pour tenir son auditoire en haleine.
A la suite de son tour du monde en ballon, le Dr BERTRAND PICCARD est devenu un conférencier très apprécié du public ainsi que des grandes entreprises qui l'invitent pour s'adresser à leur direction, leurs employés ou leurs clients. Il est conscient que ses auditeurs ne sont pas là pour préparer un vol en ballon mais bien pour puiser dans son expérience une source d'inspiration pour leur vie personnelle et professionnelle.

BERTRAND PICCARD utilise en toile de fond ses voyages aériens pour développer son concept de la psychologie de la vie, de la communication humaine et du travail en équipe, de la motivation et de l'esprit de pionnier ainsi que de la gestion du stress, de l'inconnu et des situations de crise. A la demande de certains auditoires, il traite aussi de sujets orientés médicalement comme l'utilisation de l'hypnose ou de l'auto hypnose.
C'est ainsi que depuis 1992 il a animé en Amérique, en Asie, en Afrique et en Europe, plusieurs centaines de manifestations publiques ou privées.  

Sous son titre phare, " L'aventure est un état d'esprit : la métaphore du premier tour du monde en ballon ", BERTRAND PICCARD explique entre autre comment le vol en ballon devient le symbole d'une nouvelle relation entre l'être humain, la technologie et la nature.
Dans cette métaphore de la vie, le ballon est prisonnier des courants qui le propulsent, comme l'homme est captif de ses certitudes, de ses problèmes ou de son destin. Mais de la même façon que le ballon peut changer d'altitude pour trouver des courants qui le feront changer de direction, l'être humain peut s'élever professionnellement, psychologiquement, philosophiquement ou même spirituellement pour redevenir responsable de la direction de son existence.


Bertrand encourage les autres à remettre en question les présupposés communs en se concentrant sur les solutions plutôt que sur les problèmes et en montrant comment la lutte contre le changement climatique ouvre de nouveaux marchés industriels et de nouvelles opportunités de développement économique. Bertrand est devenu une voix influente entendue par les institutions les plus éminentes du monde entier, notamment les Nations unies, le G7, plusieurs gouvernements nationaux, les conférences sur le climat, la conférence ministérielle sur les énergies propres, les institutions européennes, TED et le Forum Économique Mondial. Il a été nommé Champion de la Terre et Ambassadeur de bonne volonté des Nations unies pour l’environnement.

- L'aventure est un état d'esprit : la métaphore du Tour du Monde en Ballon - L'importance des facteurs humains dans une entreprise technologique - Esprit d'équipe et psychologie de la communication - La communication, entre technologie et philosophie - Gestion des situations de crise - Gestion du stress - Hypnose et auto-hypnose ( pour un public intéressé par les questions médicales)   - Environnement et Solutions

REFERENCES de BERTRAND PICCARD : Sénat, Nations Unies, UBS, Crédit Suisse, Cora, Crédit Agricole, Rothschild, KPMG, Suez, DANZAS, Lufthanza, Sotheby's, Novartis, Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi, Colgate, Dell, Sun, Peugeot, Supermarchés MATCH, etc..


Plus de 2500 conférences publiques, privées et institutionnelles

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Vision, innovation and creativity. The pioneering spirit and motivation. Dealing with stress, unpredictability and crises. Team-work and the psychology of communication. Technological solutions for environmental problems. Energy policy. All topics of relevance not only for multinational and private companies, but also for professional associations and the general public.

«Pioneering spirit for inventing the future»: How can we achieve what most people think is impossible? A questioning approach yields openness of mind and heart, whereas certitude is an end in itself. From vision to implementation, innovation is a state of mind outside established paradigms.

« Changing Altitude in the Winds of Life » or « Be a balloonist in your business »: Balloon-flight becomes a model for management, and even for personal development. In this metaphor for life, the balloon is the prisoner of the airflow that propels it along, just as we are imprisoned by our certitudes, problems or destinies. Just as balloons can change altitude to find air currents that alter their direction of travel, so too human beings can elevate themselves professionally, psychologically, philosophically or even spiritually in order to re-assume responsibility for the direction their lives are taking. To do this, they must learn to jettison ballast - as in a balloon - the ballast of dogmas, ingrained habits, exclamation marks and other set norms.
Based on the Solar Impulse program, clean technologies, sustainable development and energy policy are other subjects that he masters and will be happy to speak about.
His experiences as a doctor and psychiatrist using hypnosis and autohypnosis bring a new perspective to events that have a medical orientation.

At ease speaking French, English or German, Bertrand is skilled at keeping his audiences on the edge of their seats.

BERTRAND PICCARD the Initiator and President of the Solar Impulse project, which aims to fly a solar-powered aircraft non-stop around the world.

Born into a dynasty of explorers and scientists who have conquered the heights and depths of our planet, BERTRAND PICCARD made the first ever non-stop round-the-world balloon fight. An internationally reputed psychiatrist, aeronaut and lecturer, chairman of the Winds of Hope charitable foundation, and a United Nations goodwill ambassador, he combines science and adventure in order to promote a better quality of life.

Fascinated by the study of human behaviour in extreme situations and a passionate explorer since his childhood, he was one of the pioneers of hang gliding and microlight flying in the 1970s, becoming European hang-glider acrobatics champion in 1985.

As a balloon pilot, he applied his hypnosis techniques during the first transatlantic balloon race, that he won with Belgian Wim Verstraeten. He then initiated the “Breitling Orbiter” non-stop round-the-world balloon flight project, meeting the challenge himself in March 1999, when with Englishman Brian Jones he captained the longest flight in terms of duration and distance in the history of aviation. This success projected him onto the front of the stage as a “savanturier” or scientist-adventurer.

But his concerns extend also to the least fortunate, which is why he started with Brian Jones the humanitarian Winds of Hope Foundation, which he chairs. In collaboration with the WHO, he has committed Winds of Hope in the fight against Noma through direct activities in the field, sensitizing public opinion and bringing together organizations which are fighting this terrible infectious disease. The United Nations has appointed him a goodwill ambassador of its Population Fund (UNFPA).

Developing his humanist perception of adventure, Bertrand Piccard has become a highly sought-after speaker with the business world. Since 1992 he has made several hundred public and private appearances on every continent. Taking his balloon flights as a metaphor of life, he examines motivation and the spirit of adventure, the psychology of communication and of team-working, and the management of stress and the unknown.

Following the family tradition that combines scientific exploration, protection of the environment and the search for a better quality of life, BERTRAND PICCARD came up with the idea of flying round the world in a solar aircraft, without fuel or polluting emissions, to promote renewable energies and encourage energy savings. In 2003 he teamed up with André Borschberg to officially launch the Solar Impulse project and start building a revolutionary aircraft. “The adventure of the 21st century consists in using human creativity and the pioneering spirit to develop the quality of life to which present and future generations are entitled.”

A pioneer, explorer and an innovator moving outside the customary certainties and stereotypes, BERTRAND PICCARD is first and foremost a visionary and a communicator. As chairman of Solar Impulse, he has developed the project's avant-guard philosophy and traced its symbolic reach and the policy that has convinced the financial partners of this challenge. He shares control of this enterprise with André Borschberg, just as he will share with him, alternately, the controls of the solar aircraft.


A pioneering spirit and an influential voice to encourage the implementation of efficient solutions.

One of the first, as early as the 2000s, to consider ecology through the lens of profitability, BERTRAND PICCARD is considered an opinion leader on the themes of innovation and sustainability. Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation, he promotes qualitative growth by demonstrating the economic potential of clean technologies. Denouncing the absurdity of polluting and inefficient systems that are still too often used today, he advocates for the modernization of the legal framework in order to facilitate access to the market for efficient solutions.  

His voice is heard within the largest institutions, such as the United Nations, the European Commission, the World Economic Forum... and his commitment has earned him several nominations, such as Champion of the Earth, and United Nations Goodwill Ambassador.

10 Major Points from "Réaliste, Soyons logiques autant qu’écologiques".

    Decoupling growth from GDP – for a new Qualitative Growth
    The Green transition – the market opportunity of the century
    The Solutions exist – we just need to use them
    Efficiency – a world of no waste
    Federating actors – pulling on one rope
    Climate activists should call for solutions as much as denounce problems
    Law shapes reality – modern legislation is key
    Human nature – ally or enemy in the fight against climate change
    A clean future – how our lives could change
    Reversing paradigms – and achieving the “impossible”


Serial explorer, psychiatrist and ambassador for clean technologies combining innovation and adventure to tackle the great challenges of our time

It is in Bertrand Piccard’s DNA to go beyond the obvious and achieve the impossible. From a
legendary lineage of explorers who conquered the stratosphere and the abysses, he made history
by accomplishing two aeronautical firsts, around the world non-stop in a balloon, and more recently
in a solar plane without fuel. Pioneer in his way to consider ecology through the lens of profitability,
he began working in the early 2000 s to promote renewable energies and clean technologies. Solar
Impulse was born to carry this message around the world.

His dual identity as a psychiatrist and explorer makes him an influential
voice heard by the largest institutions which today consider him as a
forward-thinking leader on the themes of innovation and sustainability.
Founder and Chairman of the Solar Impulse Foundation, he has
succeeded with his team to select 1000 efficient solutions to protect the
environment in a profitable way. In a third round-the-world tour, he will
bring them to decision-makers in order to help them meet their
environmental targets while ensuring clean economic growth.

Aware that sustainable development is not limited to the protection
of the planet's resources, Bertrand is also actively involved in humani-
tarian causes, fighting for the eradication of Noma, a disease associated
with extreme poverty, caused by malnutrition and lack of hygiene.
Whether it is to protect the environment or to reduce inequalities,
Bertrand seeks to highlight solutions by developing synergies where
others see only oppositions. To support his approach, he strives to unite
the forces involved, raise public awareness and encourage political action.

A true communicator at heart, Bertrand has become a prominent
speaker, invited to express his vision of the pioneering spirit at public,
private and institutional events. Bertrand also enjoys sharing his
experiences and ideas through writing, as well as inspiring younger
Bertrand is currently United Nations Ambassador for the Environment
and Special Advisor to the European Commission.

More than 2500 public, private and institutional lectures