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Founder of Twitter

BIZ STONE is co-founder of Twitter, a real-time, one-to-many network that is changing the way people communicate around the world.

Previously, BIZ STONE helped build other popular social media services Xanga, Blogger, and Odeo. After launching the journalling service Xanga in 2000, Biz went on to publish two books about the origins and social significance of blogging.


photo Par Joi Ito from Inbamura, Japan — Biz Stone, CC BY 2.0,

In 2003, Google invited BIZ STONE to join a recently acquired team at its Silicon Valley headquarters in a full-time, senior role. Biz helped relaunch the service and grow Blogger significantly worldwide. He left Google in 2005 to rejoin the startup world.

BIZ STONE is a native of Boston, Massachusetts and teaches an annual master class at Oxford's Saïd Business School. In the autumn of 2008, Stone debated and won at Oxford Union against the proposition, "The Problems of Tomorrow Are Bigger Than The Entrepreneurs of Today" along with his esteemed team-mates, including Reid Hoffman, founder of LinkedIn.

Serving as an advisor to start-ups such as answer community, travel service, which he co-founded, content encouragement service, and the non-profit organisation, among others, allows Biz to share much of what he has learned over the past decade.